Spread Your Non-Profit Message on YouTube
  by:  |  Jul 24, 2008
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Last updated on January 12th, 2021 at 05:18 pm

YouTube Advantages for Non-Profits

Yet another non-profit Google offering is the YouTube program. Sure, anyone can upload a video on YouTube but what it’s unique for non-profits because Google gives your video an extra added edge on YouTube.

Your non-profit video or PSA will be rotated and promoted with more visibility by YouTube compared to the typical and average user’s video. This extra visibility on YouTube can help users spread your message, reach more new people and help you to viral market your cause.

Once you upload your video you will be in the Non-Profits & Activism category so that differentiates your video within YouTube. The positive effects of viral marketing can not be underestimated for a non-profit. To be able to create a message and having the public community spread your organization’s message will give your non-profit exposure that money can not buy.

For learning more about the YouTube non-profit program, visit


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