How to Use Information Brochures as a Sales Tool
  by:  |  May 15, 2008
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Last updated on September 8th, 2017 at 06:51 pm

When most of us think of printed marketing brochures, we think of basic advertisements.  Ads that trumpet a company’s successes, latest offers and/or important new employees or services.    These ads can have various degrees of success and will appeal to many potential customers who are looking to find a product or service without having to expend too much effort.

However, as we’ve discussed before, a smart company learns to supplement this sort of advertisement by marketing an additional facet of the company:  the company’s information and knowledge. By creating information filled mailings and then marketing them as proof of the company’s abilities and acumen, a smart company can complement its more traditional marketing while increasing the company’s credibility with more sophisticated customers.

White papers in booklet form, newsletters and informational handouts can be a huge advertising tool as they illustrate the knowledge of your company.  They can be readily distributed to potential customers as incentives for the customer to contact your company for more information.  For example, a real estate company can send out a mailing campaign which offers a free handout about escrow rules or lease agreements as an incentive for potential customers to contact them.  These abbreviated documents are easy ways to give the potential customer just enough information to show your level of knowledge and generate customer interest without giving the customer so much information that they no longer need your services.

In many ways, the goal of these information based marketing tools is to show off just a little.  You can show potential customers that you know what you are talking about and show them a sample of the level of expertise that they can expect from your company.  These may not be the ideal form of advertising for every potential customer, but information based advertisements can do wonders for a company looking to attract customers who need more than a “free consultation” or a flashy offer to make their purchasing decisions.

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