Does Success Mean It’s Time to Stop Working Hard?
  by:  |  Jul 23, 2008
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Last updated on September 22nd, 2017 at 11:00 pm

That’s the central question of this marketing article from the Harvard Business Review Blog.  Once you’ve reached the top, should you focus on keeping your position or keep working on improving and trying new things?  The article believes that you should always be innovating, using your existing resources to make yourself even more successful.    I would argue that that is the case, that you should always try to keep looking to improve.  But at the same time, there are dangers in that line of thinking as well.

The most important danger in that sort of thinking is to focus so much on what you want to do next that you fail to keep watch on what made you successful in the first place.  It is the grass is greener on the other side of the fence theory.  Businesses get so caught up in launching new products or getting new customers that they forget the things that got them to where they are in the first place.

There is also the possibility of dilution of your company by trying to do too much.   As we’ve noted before, you cannot be everything to everyone.  Although you should always try to improve your operations, but try to expand too far, you run the risk of losing your core brand values.

In the final analysis, the answer to the question in the title to this post, is no.  You should always keep working at keeping your company successful.  Whether it is constant innovation or securing your core business or product or both, you should always be working to make things better.

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