Can You Create More Business Just by Thinking About It?
  by:  |  Aug 4, 2008
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Last updated on December 19th, 2019 at 09:46 pm

There’s an interesting article by Guy Kawasaki about the concept of creating a larger market for your business by imagining one exists.   Mr. Kawasaki’s theory states his theory as follows:

Maybe if entrepreneurs imagine that their market sector is larger than what it is, they’ll do better. This is an unscientific leap of reasoning, but entrepreneurship requires unscientific leaps of reasoning.

There is something to be said for this line of  thinking.  As I noted previously, one way to grow into a larger company is to imagine your company as being larger company. There is something to be said for allowing yourself to dream and brainstorm about things that may not be immediately possible, but can serve as eventual goals.   There is always room to take a chance on a big dream without losing yourself.

This sort of thinking can lead you to great things.  Who ever imagined that you could build an empire on the concept of selling people their morning coffee?   Howard Shultz did and then went out and did it with Starbucks.  Think about every successful business.  They all started as one great idea.

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